5th Asian regional conference: Geosynthetic Asia (GA2012), Bankok, Thailand
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5th Asian regional conference: Geosynthetic Asia (GA2012), Bankok, Thailand
Geosynthetic Middle East, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geosynthetics Middle East, S. 111-122, Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
EuroGeo5: 5th European Geosynthetics Congress, Proceedings of the 5th European Geosynthetics Conference, Valencia, Spanien
ANZ 2012: Ground Engineering in a Changing World. 11th Australia and New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics. Melbourne, Australien
ANZ 2012: Ground Engineering in a Changing World. 11th Australia and New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics. Melbourne, Australien
Civil Engineering, ASCE, June 2012, S. 66-69
Magazyn Autostrady, ISSN 1730-0703, Vol. 3 (42), S. 81-84, Ausgabe Mai 2012
Proceddings of the Second Pan American Geosynthetics Conference and Exhibition GeoAmericas 2012 Lima, Perú, S. 326-333, May 2012
Nowoczesne Budownictwo Inzyneryjne, Vol. 3 (42), S. 66-69, Ausgabe Mai 2012
Geoinzynieria - drogi mosty tunele, ISSN 1895-0426, Vol. 3 (38), S. 34-38, Ausgabe März 2012